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Tree Plantation:

Launch of tree plantation project

Paramhans daati ji maharaj believes in....

Planting more tree and saving earth....

Aim of planting tree is to restore native forests around village to protect water supplies. Planting of trees and their care is holy act. One tree is equated to 10 children. Planting trees reduces carbon dioxide, a principal green house gas that contribute to global warming. Planting tree increases oxygen level in environment, the most essential gas on globe.
When you plant a tree you are doing more than just planting a tree. You are also creating
You are creating habitat for other species.
Starting a food source for humans and animals.
Providing carbon sinks to extract the major green house gas from atmosphere.
Stabilising soil to prevent erosion
Creating natural water filters

Enviornmental benefits of trees:

The greenery around us provided by trees makes us live a healthy and pleasant life. Planting trees is vital to maintain a balance in the ecosystem. All the living beings are dependent on trees in some way or other. The strength structure and endurance of trees make them beneficial for the environment in numerous ways. In this increasing concrete jungle of cities, planting more and more trees in surroundings has become a vital need. This is because trees not only support life, but also remove various kinds of impurities from the atmosphere.
Trees serve a natural habitat, which provides support to wide variety of flora and fauna. They provide a sense of privacy and security to wildlife seeking shelter in the woods, apart from providing them with food and nutrients.
Trees remove excess amount of carbon dioxide and air pollutants in the atmosphere, including sulfur dioxide, ozone and nitrogen oxide. In return, they give us oxygen required for living life.
Planting trees is very important to improve the quality of air and reduce its pollution.
The visual quality of landscape is improved by planting trees, which in turn improves the quality of life.
Planting trees help to reduce ozone levels in urban cities. Even the biodiversity gets enriched in turn.
Trees control the climate by moderating the effects of Sun, wind and rain. While they moderate summer temperature by providing shade, in winters, they act as windbreaks for homes.
Trees reduce soil erosion, because they bind the soil through their roots, which would otherwise have been washed away in rainstorms and flood. Trees also help in improving the fertility of soil. Rich soil transfers nutrients to food, which contributes to human health.
The greenery of trees adds color to the landscape and enhances the beauty of environment.
Trees are great absorbers of noise.
Planting of trees facilitates better management of flood water. Trees also moderate flood hazards.
The demand for clean drinking water can be met by planting new trees. Forests and plant cover naturally slows the runoff of rain water, thereby filtering it.

Enviornmental benefits of trees:

Trees clean air.
Trees improve water quality.
Trees save energy.
Trees raise real estate value.
Trees are good for business.
Four trees planted around a home can save upto 30% on cooling costs.
Forty trees remove about 36kg of air pollutants annually.
Four hundred trees capture 140,000 gallons of rainwater annually.
One acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon dioxide and put out four tons of oxygen.
The ambient air temperature difference between an urban heat island and a vegetated area can be as much as 2-10 degrees F. The temperature measured directly above man-made surfaces can be as much as 25 degrees F hotter than the air temperature beneath a forested area.
Save trees! Trees are life.
Don’t bark up my tree!
Trees: Treat our existing ecosystem sacredly!
Trees are root of our existences!
Plant trees for your better tomorrow!
Afraid of future?
Then plant trees today....
Tree plantation can solve Global warming, The ozone layer, Air pollution, Water pollution.
Plant trees and save environment!
Save earth! We have no where else to go!
The earth is yours, save it!
Reduce, reuse and recycle!
He who plants trees loves others beside himself!
Plant trees and protect environment!
Live the green dream!
Live green, Love green, Think green!
Trees save us, we have to save tree first!
Save a tree, Save energy, save the world!

Followed are some tips on planting tree

Spacing of trees
Trees serve a natural habitat, which provides support to wide variety of flora and fauna. They provide a sense of privacy and security to wildlife seeking shelter in the woods, apart from providing them with food and nutrients.
Direction of planting trees
Trees should be planted especially on the South and South- west direction of the building. This would give shade during summers. Large growing species are particularly desirable at rearwards.
When to plant trees :
Winter is the best time for planting deciduous trees as they are dormant at this period and hence less likely to suffer from damage. For evergreen and semi- deciduous trees rainy season is the best time for planting. During spring i.e. January and February. At this time all the factors required for tree growth are present. Thus, that is a good time for young saplings to be planted. For most species and most areas planting is carried out during monsoons. It is advisable to start planting work immediately after good shower and when the ground is well moistened to the depth of planting.

Planting climbers and bushes :
Places where trees can not be planted can be covered with bushes and smaller plants. Another possibility is to have climbers. Which require very little space to grow but provide a large leafy area. They can brighten up the boundary walls, pillars and ugly looking sites.
After care :
The after care of saplings till they reach a certain age and height is essential. Once rain cease, the saplings need to be watered regularly, protected from cattle cattle , pests and insects, given manure.
Some flowering trees are :
Peepal, amaltas, palas, Indian coral tree, Kachnar, Bel, Sengan, Kadam, Champa, Bhendi, Amla, Jamun, Ashoka etc.

Trees clean air to breath and water to drink. They help in maintaining stable climate and make landscape vibrant, nourishing and beautiful.

Aims and objectives of green wave towards tree plantation:

To provide guidelines for tree plantation among illiterate community.
To work with poor and oppressed.
Free distribution of seeds of flowering plants to encourage tree plantation.
To teach various methods of sowing seeds.
To teach ways and means of pre and post germination care of seeds.

Aims and objectives of green wave towards tree plantation:

On world environment Day rallies are taken out to educate poor society about the importance of trees.
Each person is encouraged to plant tree.
Display of banners, posters, video clips are used for promotion of campaign of tree plantation.
Every individual needs to take steps in order to make India a better place to live....Come on lets help to make a clean and green country free from sins....BY PARAMHANS DAATI JI MAHARAJ